All of the information we’ve written about on proper hiring and training procedures in this and past issues of The Practice Solution are based upon several key issues: a) to have the most productive office possible you have to have a team of good staff, working well...
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
Independent Contractors
Our readership, for the most part, is made up of privately owned health care practices in the dental, veterinary and optometric fields. It is not uncommon for them to occasionally hire outside vendors to do sporadic work here and there. Therefore we want to help you...
Hiring Techniques
The Application One of the areas we are regularly asked about is how to best read and evaluate an employment application. Here are some things you can look for on an application that will give you an initial “feel” for the applicant. • Neatness • Completeness • Does...
Vacation Policy
One of the key areas that we’ve helped practice owners with is office policy. In this article we’ll present some ideas on what you can include in an office policy having to do with vacations. The importance of having and using office policies that cover the rules,...
What Goes in a Job Description
I can’t stress enough the importance of implementing proper, well written job descriptions and office policies into your practices. As few doctors are trained in practice management or management and executive skills while in professional school, most doctors have to...
The Practice Solution Magazine is now on Facebook
The Practice Solution Magazine is now on Facebook. Please stop by, like the page and interact with us there. We would love to hear your feedback on articles we’ve posted. Feel free to offer us ideas for articles as well. We would love to hear from you so come on by...
From the Editor
Hello and thanks for taking the time to stop by The Practice Solution Magazine. My name is Ken DeRouchie and I am the newly appointed editor of the magazine and this is my first From The Editor article. Ten years ago, in 2002, I helped launch this magazine and bring...
The Benefits of Regular Practice Newsletters
Marketing is a vital part of the management of any business, whether a health care practice or any business in general. Implementing successful marketing actions that help increase the number of new patients/clients as well as help facilitate the retention of existing...
Amalgam Fillings Don’t Affect Children’s Brain Development
Dental amalgam tooth fillings do not adversely affect children’s brain development and neurological status, researchers report in the February issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association. The authors of the report-members of a joint team from the...
Bioluminescence Imaging Used for Eye Cancer Detection
Newswise —At the moment, doctors rely on biopsy analysis to determine the progression of eye cancer. However, researchers now believe that a new technology, bioluminescence imaging (BLI), will allow doctors to detect tumors earlier and quickly choose a method of...