Cancellations and missed appointments are one of the biggest frustrations in any practice and result in lowered production and lost revenue.
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
How to increase efficiency, productivity and net profit in a private practice
There is an impression with healthcare practitioners everywhere that all a practice has to do to increase production is to increase the number of new patients. More new patients is often the universal solvent for an under-producing office.
Two Steps You Must Do Prior to a Successful Marketing Campaign
To craft a successful marketing campaign for your practice, you must first conduct some basic research that will start to identify what your marketing plan and promotional pieces will look like and the message they should deliver.
Leadership Attributes and Management Qualities
As a practice owner, you should be asking yourself the following questions objectively:
Am I a good leader?
Do I run from conflict?
Am I able to motivate my staff?
Is my office harmonious or is it filled with conflict?
Does my staff “own” their jobs, or do they just punch in and out?
Do I ever feel that my staff is “holding me hostage”?
Am I running my practice? …or is my practice running me?
What Are the Four Components of Great Service?
There are Four Components of Great Service. Great service to your patients/clients is one of the most important factors required to build a successful and thriving practice. Under the heading of great service, you will find the following key components…
Cutting Down Costs Vs. Increasing Production
Pretty much every owner wishes to increase their net income. Factually, there are only two ways to accomplish that…
A Functioning Office Manager
The primary function of the office manager is to accomplish the goals and purposes of the practice as determined by the owner of the practice. The OM should assist the owner in developing policies that forward the purpose of the business as a whole…
How to Properly Correct Employees in a Private Practice
It would be wonderful if employees never make mistakes and always do a perfect job. But we’re all human so what do you do when a staff member messes up and how do you correct him?
How to Structure a Bonus Plan in a Private Practice
It is very wise to have a bonus plan for staff in operation in your office. If you reward staff for increasing their production and the production of the practice, they will naturally want to continue to do that, and the whole staff will tend to operate much more as a team.
The Importance of Implementing Profitable Communication Systems
One of the key elements in running a successful practice is the actual communication level of the practice.