More than 88% of consumers today consider credible online reviews equal to a personal referral. Properly managing your online reviews is more important than ever.
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
Getting Your Staff on the Same Page
This article is a continuation of Critical Practice Foundations. If you haven’t done so yet, we recommend reading the first article to get a better context. The Staff Meeting One very important activity you, as the owner, should implement is a...
Real Office Policy Examples and Checklist
Below is a list of items that should be included in any basic office policy or policies: Patient Relations Sexual Harassment Orientation and Training Work Hours Fringe Benefits Solicitation Equal Opportunity Statement Terms of At-Will Employment...
Forming Office Policy
All doctors are extremely well trained in their profession. Unfortunately, very few doctors are trained in business or employee handbook policy creation and their appropriate implementation.
Internal and External Marketing
There are two areas in a practice that are targeted when marketing your practice. The first is internal; the second is external. “Internal” deals with dissemination and promotion within your practice and to already-established patients. It includes things such as:
Claims Against Dental Amalgam Lack Scientific Evidence
PANEL REPORT FINDS HEALTH CLAIMS AGAINST DENTAL AMALGAM LACK SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE The American Dental Association recently announced that a review of seven years worth of scientific studies concludes there is insufficient evidence “of a link between dental mercury and...
Are Lasers the Wave-Light of the Future?
New applications and lower prices might allow lasers to replace traditional dental tools CHICAGO (Academy of General Dentistry) -Would you spend more than $40,000 on equipment that would allow you to complete oral surgeries with virtually no pain or blood and a vastly...
Don’t Let Your Mouth Pollute Your Clean Heart
Levels of Bacteria in Plaque Beneath the Gum Line May Increase Risk for Heart Attacks CHICAGO (American Academy of Periodontology) -Researchers have found evidence that the amount of bacteria in subgingival plaques, the deep plaques in periodontal pockets and around...
Guest Column: Infection control By Barry Levy, DDS
In the last issue of Solutions, I discussed the problems with “minimum standards” of infection control and how the dental practice act in California mandated “sterile gloves” for surgical procedures that involve soft tissue or bone. This is a situation that applies to...