Surveys can save you time and wasted effort. By properly utilizing surveys, you will not be shooting in the dark when you implement a new idea. You will not be left wondering why people are not coming back to your practice. You will know what your public needs and...
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
Public Relations and Social Responsibility
This article concerns the benefits of getting out of the office and getting actively involved in your community. Whether it’s sponsoring your local little league team, encouraging your area’s children’s museum to do an eye screening or “Celebration of Smiles”...
How to Set Reminders for Continual Services (Recall)
Whether you are using an automatic reminder system, or it is someone's job function to send out reminders; or a combination of both. The below information will be highly beneficial to increase your appointments scheduled, reactivating clients/patients and having them...
How The Practice Solution Works
Here is a video that we have put together explaining how The Practice Solution works and how wego about compiling practice management articles and resources for our readers.As you can see, everything that we do depends on the help and cooperation of practice owners...
Termination Series:
A Constructive Face-to-Face Termination
This article is a continuation of our termination series. To view the previous article, click here. This series will go over how a termination decision should be made, how the organization handles problems before making a termination and how to convey the news for a...
Termination Series:
Guidelines to Follow When Terminating
This article is a continuation of our termination series. To view the previous article, click here. This series will go over how a termination decision should be made, how the organization handles problems before making a termination and how to convey the news for a...
Termination Series:
Making the Decision. Should I Fire My Employee?
This series will go over how a termination decision should be made, how the organization handles problems before making a termination and how to convey the news for a constructive face-to-face termination. There are specific guidelines when terminating because all of...
The Underrated Business Card
Business cards don’t seem to be in vogue as of recently, however they are still a highly effective
Reactivating Patients: How to Get Them Back
If you were to calculate the value of each patient or client visit and multiply that by the number of patients or clients you have not seen for 6 months
How Valuable is that Employee?
Performance evaluation is viewed as a process to ensure a high quality of service