
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.

Resolving Negativity in Your Office

Since dealing with staff bickering and personality conflicts can be a major source of stress in an office, knowing how to deal with it can be extremely useful. When you let employee situations linger too long…

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How to Handle Confrontation With Your Staff

A very common confession I hear when I analyze practices is that the executive isn’t good with confrontation and thus lets things slide when they shouldn’t.  I want to address this issue for a number of reasons:

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Leadership Attributes and Management Qualities

Leadership Attributes and Management Qualities

As a practice owner, you should be asking yourself the following questions objectively:

Am I a good leader?
Do I run from conflict?
Am I able to motivate my staff?
Is my office harmonious or is it filled with conflict?
Does my staff “own” their jobs, or do they just punch in and out?
Do I ever feel that my staff is “holding me hostage”?
Am I running my practice? …or is my practice running me?

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