There are two channels or vectors for marketing your practice. The first is internal, the second is external. Internal deals with dissemination and promotion within your practice…
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
How Healthcare Marketing Has Changed During COVID
Those patients/clients who do not pay cash at the end of their appointment must be billed through the mail.
Get Your Promotion Organized: A Promotion and Marketing Calendar – Part 1
Have you ever noticed that you have all sorts of great marketing and promotional ideas that you just never seem to put into action? Do you realize during a staff meeting that those brilliant ideas that captured everyone’s attention and agreement in the previous...
The Underrated Business Card
Business cards don’t seem to be in vogue as of recently, however they are still a highly effective
Marketing: Why are Surveys Important to Your Practice?
Are you as confident in your ability to get a steady flow of new patients into your practice as you are in your ability to provide high quality technical care? You should know that successful marketing has a technology that, when applied correctly, will get results...
Internal and External Marketing
There are two areas in a practice that are targeted when marketing your practice. The first is internal; the second is external. “Internal” deals with dissemination and promotion within your practice and to already-established patients. It includes things such as:
Search Engine Marketing –
Why Does SEO Matter More In a “Down Economy?’ By Lisa Thayer, The question on many business owners’ minds today is “How should I market my company given the current state of the economy?” The short answer is by placing your marketing dollars in...
The Benefits of Regular Practice Newsletters
Marketing is a vital part of the management of any business, whether a health care practice or any business in general. Implementing successful marketing actions that help increase the number of new patients/clients as well as help facilitate the retention of existing...