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How to Structure a Bonus Plan in a Private Practice

It is very wise to have a bonus plan for staff in operation in your office. If you reward staff for increasing their production and the production of the practice, they will naturally want to continue to do that, and the whole staff will tend to operate much more as a team.

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How Do You Hold Employees Accountable For Their Positions?

How Do You Hold Employees Accountable For Their Positions?

Surveys show that workers are happiest when they are productive and are contributing to the success of the group in which they work. To boost morale, efficiency and longevity of workers, one must: understand the importance of one’s production, know exactly what one is...

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Forming Office Policy

All doctors are extremely well trained in their profession. Unfortunately, very few doctors are trained in business or employee handbook policy creation and their appropriate implementation.

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Making Financial Arrangements

Ensuring Your Office Gets Paid  It is the responsibility of the accounts manager to sit down with the patient/client and work out the best financial arrangement within the framework of the policies of your office. Bear in mind that the ideal plan would be one that...

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Watching Out for Harassment in Your Practice

These days most business owners are aware of sexual harassment and the need for having policies and employee training on this type of conduct. But sexual harassment is only one form of workplace conduct that any practice must do everything possible to prevent. There...

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The Cost of Employee Turnover

All of the information we’ve written about on proper hiring and training procedures in this and past issues of The Practice Solution are based upon several key issues: a) to have the most productive office possible you have to have a team of good staff, working well...

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You can’t control the economy…

You can’t control the economy, but you can control your practice. By: Ken DeRouchie I have recently been interviewing doctors around the country regarding how the economy has been affecting their practice and what they have been doing to keep their practice...

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The Times they are a Changing.

As an employer and a manager, I long ago learned the value of keeping up to date on the ever -changing rules of doing business in my home state. Recently, I was presented with a concern of an employee that wanted to take maternity leave from work as afforded to her by...

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The Problem with Policy

“My employee was late 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Per our office policy, I am supposed to suspend her for one day with out pay. We are really busy this week and I really need her to work. What should I do?” The problem that you have here is not uncommon. Unless you...

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