More than 88% of consumers today consider credible online reviews equal to a personal referral. Properly managing your online reviews is more important than ever.
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.
Getting Your Staff on the Same Page
This article is a continuation of Critical Practice Foundations. If you haven’t done so yet, we recommend reading the first article to get a better context. The Staff Meeting One very important activity you, as the owner, should implement is a...
Critical Practice Foundations
Most doctors, when starting their practices, miss some of the basic actions that should be established prior to opening. An owner of a healthcare practice should always, as a first step, work out the following basics:
Real Office Policy Examples and Checklist
Below is a list of items that should be included in any basic office policy or policies: Patient Relations Sexual Harassment Orientation and Training Work Hours Fringe Benefits Solicitation Equal Opportunity Statement Terms of At-Will Employment...
Forming Office Policy
All doctors are extremely well trained in their profession. Unfortunately, very few doctors are trained in business or employee handbook policy creation and their appropriate implementation.
Internal and External Marketing
There are two areas in a practice that are targeted when marketing your practice. The first is internal; the second is external. “Internal” deals with dissemination and promotion within your practice and to already-established patients. It includes things such as:
Guest column: Coping With Conflict – Part Two
A Layperson’s guide to resolving conflict in the office By Daniel A. Bobrow, MBA President, American Dental Company Part two in a series of two articles In last issue’s article, we discussed models and tenets used to resolve conflict. In this part, I’ll go over the...
Case for Change in Dental Education Curricula
The American Dental Education Association’s (ADEA) Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education (ADEA CCI) was created to serve as a focal meeting place where dental educators and administrators, organized dentistry, and the licensure, accreditation, and...
Music, Physics, A Sailboat and Dentistry
Profile: Dr. David Matthews Practice: David R. Matthews Dental Group, LLC Location: Eugene, Oregon Music, Physics, A Sailboat and Dentistry A music teacher with a penchant for physics, Dr. Dave Matthews changed careers after ten years of teaching music to become a...
PRACTICE: RIVER FOREST ANIMAL HOSPITAL LOCATION: SARASOTA, FLORIDA Handling National Chain Competition by Learning How to Run a Business. Dr. Ezekial (Zeke) Thomas has been in practice for 46 years. He is a small animal vet and works with exotics such as reptiles and...