
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.

Office Manager Purpose

The Office Manager is a key staff member in any private practice. A well-trained, positive and experienced Office Manager is worth his or her weight in gold…

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Putting New Employees on the Job

Practice owners bring on new employees for a variety of reasons. Often, when practices are undergoing expansion of production and income, they require increased staffing…

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How to Guarantee a Satisfactory Retirement Fund

It is never too early in your career to start funding your retirement. You may only be one day out of school, but you should be thinking about and planning out a retirement fund. We have found from our surveys that…

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PRACTICE: RIVER FOREST ANIMAL HOSPITAL LOCATION: SARASOTA, FLORIDA Handling National Chain Competition by Learning How to Run a Business. Dr. Ezekial (Zeke) Thomas has been in practice for 46 years. He is a small animal vet and works with exotics such as reptiles and...

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