
The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success.

A Functioning Office Manager

A Functioning Office Manager

The primary function of the office manager is to accomplish the goals and purposes of the practice as determined by the owner of the practice. The OM should assist the owner in developing policies that forward the purpose of the business as a whole…

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Making Financial Arrangements

Ensuring Your Office Gets Paid  It is the responsibility of the accounts manager to sit down with the patient/client and work out the best financial arrangement within the framework of the policies of your office. Bear in mind that the ideal plan would be one that...

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The Cost of Employee Turnover

All of the information we’ve written about on proper hiring and training procedures in this and past issues of The Practice Solution are based upon several key issues: a) to have the most productive office possible you have to have a team of good staff, working well...

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Interviewing and Selecting Employment Applicants

The personal interview represents the basic process to use for selecting the best available person for a job. Relying on the interview process for finding the right person demands that the interviewer possesses the necessary expertise for planning and conducting an...

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