BERKELEY /Ute Frey, UC Berkeley/- Optometry students at the University of California, Berkeley, are getting a leg up in basic business skills from Haas School of Business faculty as part of a special program to prepare future optometrists to manage a private practice....
Guest Column: By Dr. Barry Levy DDS
DENTISTRY AT RISK: COMPLYING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS OF INFECTION CONTROL By: Dr. Barry Levy DDS If you are not aware of, or are not complying with minimum standards of infection control, you can be in for a rude awakening. While the below article addresses cases...
From the Editor
Welcome to The Practice Solution Magazine! The goal of The Practice Solution Magazine is to provide practice owners with practice management information that will assist them in achieving success. It is a commonly known fact that the vast majority of owners have had...
Preferred Provider? by Dr. Charles S. Horn, III, DDS
Some months back, we did an interview concerning practice management with Dr. Charles S. Horn. At the end of that interview, Dr. Horn told us about a letter he had written concerning working with insurance companies. He asked if we would like to look at it and...
From Burned Out to Booming: A Case Study
After being in practice for some years this doctor was seriously considering closing down his practice and pursuing a different profession. His enthusiasm for practicing had reached an all time low and he was feeling burned out. He missed those days earlier in his...
Five Steps to HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance
Help for Handling the Frustrations of HIPAA Compliance HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, became law in 1996. Its original intent was to help employees change jobs and keep their health insurance by making their coverage “portable”....