Ken DeRouchie

Tips for Hiring People During the Pandemic

Over the past several months, our research team has conducted many interviews with practice owners across the country regarding “the difficulties of hiring during the”, “Tips on hiring” and “Keeping staff happy”. The information below is a culmination of the data...

How to Guarantee a Satisfactory Retirement Fund

It is never too early in your career to start funding your retirement. You may only be one day out of school, but you should be thinking about and planning out a retirement fund. We have found from our surveys that an ongoing decline of interest in practice ownership...

10 Steps You Must Do Before Selling Your Practice

If you are a practice owner, you should know that, in most cases, getting in is easier than getting out. That is, exiting a practice is often more difficult than building it. Exiting is a process, not an event, that should be planned far in advance of the day you turn...

How To Keep Your Team On-Task Over The Holidays

The holiday season is here, and with it comes every distraction that could push your employees off-task. Candy, costumes, decorations, vacation...the list is endless. In this article, we’ll share the steps you should take to motivate & manage your team throughout...

5 Biggest Mistakes Practice Owners & Managers Make In Handling Employees Over The Holidays

The holidays can be a fun and festive time in your practice, but they also bring a few HR headaches to watch out for. Here are the most common mistakes to avoid this holiday season! Mistake #1 - No Written Time Off Policy Having written policy that provides the...

What is Your Responsibility to Your Staff?

What is Your Responsibility to Your Staff?

Just as your staff has responsibilities to you and your practice, you likewise have several responsibilities to your practice and staff. The complexity of active leadership can be best understood by breaking it down into its essential and integral parts: 1....