Ken DeRouchie

Did you hire the wrong person?

A recent survey conducted with practice owners across the US revealed that the number-one management problem they have is personnel issues. Among the issues mentioned by hundreds of owners surveyed were: Procuring qualified personnel, Getting employees to perform...

Turn a 40+ hour week into a 30 hour week and stay profitable

Turn a 40+ hour week into a 30 hour week and stay profitable

Do you ever get to the end of the day and realize that you didn’t get half of the things done that you intended to get done? Do you find yourself giving endless streams of orders and then having to spend time following up to make sure everything was really done? Do...

The Responsibilities of Managers and Staff

Dealing with staff can often be a confusing and complex subject.  Certainly if a staff member was overtly unwilling, refusing to do what was expected, gossiping, constantly complaining and so on, this is a staff member you wouldn’t tolerate. On the other hand, what a...

Resolving Negativity in Your Office

Since dealing with staff bickering and personality conflicts can be a major source of stress in an office, knowing how to deal with it can be extremely useful. When you let employee situations linger too long, bad things happen, and you can end up losing not only the...

How to Handle Confrontation With Your Staff

A very common confession I hear when I analyze practices is that the executive isn’t good with confrontation and thus lets things slide when they shouldn’t.  I want to address this issue for a number of reasons: First, anything that weakens an executive’s ability to...

Where is Your Net Profit?

Where is Your Net Profit?

You’ve worked hard all week; the office atmosphere is rife with discipline and brisk efficiency. The staff have been getting along with one another and you are proud of the team spirit they’ve both individually and collectively demonstrated. In fact, your staff has...

Presenting Treatment Plans – the Do’s and Don’ts

Proper treatment-plan presentation can boom your practice, give your patients the best quality of care and can give you the ability to demonstrate how much you care for your patients. It can also generate more referrals from happy patients and help the practice to...